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Power of Your Subconscious Mind for Success

Welcome back to this FreedominHours episode and i’m really excited to have you back with us today. So today we’re going to be looking at the power of the subconscious mind to help you achieve success. Now what i’m really excited about talking about this is a few years ago, I had really bad negative thinking and I was in actually a bad place in my life. I was able to turn it around by using specific strategies to help turn around my subconscious mind so it actually worked for me rather than against me. In this article we’ll look at the powers of conscious mind and the things you can do to help put on a path to success.

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What is the Subconscious mind?

So when we talk about the power of the subconscious mind for success what do we actually mean. Well the subconscious mind is a part that makes up your thinking. Your mind is made up the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the things you actually think yourself. It is made up of decisions for example I’m going to go here, I’m going to drive here, I’m going to pick this up ect.

The subconscious mind is actually what drives most behavior of us human beings. The reason being is the subconscious mind works in the background and thinks things up and it gives you the conscious mind the directions. The challenge is most of us have our subconscious mind put on autopilot what this means is our thoughts generally are fed to us by our friends our family society the news other people around us. Very often we’re receiving impressions and taking in things from people without even being aware of it what it is.

Negative Subconscious thinking

To help demonstrate how this happens I want to use my experience from a few years ago. Several years ago I was in Melbourne Australia, and i was in quite a bad place. I kept finding I kept on having really negative thoughts and was very down on myself. This varied from telling myself that I was rubbish across to thinking I couldn’t do anything. My language was such as “You can’t do it” “You won’t achieve anything” and stuff like that.

I couldn’t realize why my language with my friends and my family was always quite negative. I decided to investigate what I could do and I found what was called the 10 Day Mental Challenge by Tony Robbins who had actually got it from a person in the 1920s. It was a a way of changing your thinking.

Taking Control of your Subconscious

So what I do now is kind of share what that change was and how it actually works the net effect was after seven day mental diet. I came out of it and I could think clearly, the voice and the thinking had changed and my subconscious started working for me verse against me. The impact is that you’re actually in control of your thinking it’s not someone else’s control of it it’s your mind. You see, it’s your thoughts it’s your brain and you have the ability to take control of your subconscious mind and direct it towards success versus making work against you.

10 Day Mental Challenge

Essentially the 10 Day Mental Challenge is you commit yourself to not thinking a negative thought or speaking negative thought. So let me demonstrate how this works in practice. Back when i was in melbourne all those years ago i’ll get up be ready to go to the day and suddenly andrew you’re a loser, omy shoulders would drop, okay well that’s okay you know i’m not that much of a loser this mental dialogue would start going on i’d be battling against myself. When I decided to take on the 10 Day Mental Challenge as soon as the thought comes up, i identify it then i squish it.

So saying to myself “Andrew you’re a loser” I identified the though and switched it to “Andrew you’re powerful and you’re fantastic” and every time a thought would come up or the idea would come into my mind bang i’ll turn it around and focus on a positive. Now would you believe this is slightly harder than you may think, particularly when you’re a very negative spot. So my subconscious mind kept on throwing up different terms so i remember one time within about an hour i probably had several hundred negative thoughts coming through, i mean literally every second.

It was like hundreds of negative thoughs were always flooding in. But what i found is if after every thought you make sure you stop it.

Everytime you think something that is negative, stop, identify it and then put a positive in it’s place. Examples could include:

  • I am not fit enough I can’t do it to I am fit and I am healthy
  • I can’t do it to I will do it
  • Why is everything so hard to I am in control and I can do it

Taking Control of Your Subconscious

Every time you have a thought now challenge it. Now if decide to comit to the challenge just remember as soon as you let a negative thought go through and you don’t stop it or challenge it, you’ve got to start the challenge again. Now whether you’re at day one or whether you’re at two day you have start all over again. But what this does now it actually stops your subconscious mind from automatically sending you things that you need to have to deal with what you now do is you’re actually in control of the language, you’re in control of your thinking and your control of what your subconscious mind is hearing.

So i did the challenge then after half a day I had to start again today, then it was going well and and after a day and a half I had to start again. But then something magically happened after the third time of trying, within three to four days my thinking became so much better.

The Power of the Subconscious

 I’d sit there and think I’m fantastic! I’m great, i’m going to be successful, i will achieve i’ll do this these. The thoughts from a subconscious mind kept it coming into my head. The amazing is when the subconscious mind works for you opportunities start to arise, you’re sitting there saying i am fantastic the world gives to me, i am great life is good for me and you will find you attract people that have money your attract wealth you’ll attract success. This is a great thing about the subconscious mind is you can direct it towards success. Most of us think we’re not in control of our life and not control of what’s going on around us, but this is very untrue, you’re completely in control of what’s happening around you.

You’re completely in control of your success and this is the way you can do it so the 10-day or seven-day mental challenge was one of the major things that actually helped me on my success.

Subconscious Success Ongoing

You know i’ve been successful in the past and even successful people go through drops in life where they need to be picked up and the challenge if you used to be successful the drop can be very dramatic. The thing is you need to keep doing exercises to keep yourself in the zone, so we spoke about early morning success ritual which i do every day back then i was doing it but this is a the 10 day mental diet is a cleansing for your mental health, it’s a shaking you up waking you up and putting you on the path to success.

You can also check out our Morning Success Ritual which is really good to help you get focused and on track.

So we’ll talk more in future regarding the powers of conscious mind and how you can get the best out of it, there’s a lot of good articles and and blogs and information out there. Just know for now that you need to get the subconscious mind to work for you, you get it working for you.

The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools that you can use for success. Make sure you get it to work for you and against you and know that you have power over your thoughts and the way you think.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. John Frederickson

    Wow! What a great article and video! This really makes a heap of sense. I am going to start doing this mental challenge straight away, I am tired of my negative thinking!

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