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Seize The Day – Early Morning Success Ritual!

Why is this morning success ritual so important?

One of the best ways I have found to be successful is through having an early morning success ritual that sets you up for success each and every morning. To seize the day you need to have an effective success ritual and stick to it everyday. I have been following this success ritual for many years and have found that it always gets me the results I need. This success routine is shared by many successful people across the world. It is a step process that gets you centered, focused, motivated and ready to take on the world

A lot of readers have come back to me and asked me what are the morning rituals that i do for success well great news here they are so these are the six steps that I’ve been following for years to enable me to become successful and they’re a cornerstone of what i do.

It involves 6 key steps:

 Peace and silence

  • Peace and Silence
  • Exercise 
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Learning
  • Goals

I suggest you take around 20 minutes every morning to break down these steps. Start by getting yourself centered in a quiet room and giving yourself 15 to 20 minutes first thing in the morning. Normally I get myself up at around 5.30am so I have plenty of time to fit this in.

I hope you’re excited to find out what this early morning success ritual can do for you. So let’s dive into the 6 steps! And if you wish to watch this please see my Youtube video below:

Early Morning Success Ritual Youtube Video

1. Peace and Silence

So the first step is Peace and Silence. To start with I suggest finding a quiet place either when you’re lying in bed or sitting in a lounge  and sit there for 5 to 10 minutes and just get peace and silence. To help you get centered you can listen to some relaxing music if you’d like to help you do this very often i just like to sit there and clear out  my thoughts.

It’s very very good way of doing it so you just sit there play some music and meditate. There are meditation courses which I’ll show you later that you can do to help you with this but the key thing is just clearing your mind of all thoughts relaxing and being ready for the day ahead.

2. Exercise

I’m a big fan of is exercise you need to get the body moving to be able to get yourself ready for the day. So whether that’s going for a 10 minute run, going for a brisk walk going for some swimming or doing some pilates or yoga on the spot it’s really important you  get your body moving and get your energy started for the day.

By getting your energy started you’re starting to get the blood flowing you’re getting excited you’re getting energy up and you’re ready for the day. So my favorite is going for a run uh the great thing is I live in Brisbane so I can just jump on my singlet jump on my shorts and take a run around the river. I also like doing weightlifting too which I do later in the day so that’s the second step.

3. Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way of programming your mind for success so to give you an idea how it works have you ever been to shopping centers in Christmas and heard the Christmas carols going and on and on. When you go home and then you’re sitting there thinking about the Christmas carols you can’t get them out of your head?  Well affirmations work a similar way by repeating a statement over and over again and having energy behind a statement and passion behind it and feeling it it enables you to start to train your brain to remember these things. There’s a number of different affirmations that I use and i’ll do a affirmation course in future videos

An example of an affirmation – I am powerful I am successful my life is fantastic

Keep on repeating this again and again but make sure you move your body and really feel the words. In my Youtube video you can see me doing this.

I would suggest writing down at least 5 affirmations and repeating them at least 5 times each a day. You can also repeat them in the mirror or sing them to music. I will provide a list of affirmations soon

4. Visualizations

So what is visualization well it’s actually picturing where you want to be in the future and feeling it. So i do this in a couple of ways. Firstly I picture where I want to be in maybe one to five years time and I feel it, so whether if you want to picture yourself being living in a beautiful castle on the coast for example or you want to picture yourself driving that lovely brand new Ferrari you just bought. Picture yourself in the Ferrari in a year in the future you picture how it feels you know you feel what the leather smells like you feel what the car is like you feel how good it makes you feel in that car. You really need to live in the moment and feeling what it means to you.

I do this 1 to 3 to 5 years out then I picture where I will be in 6 months time. You can also visualize healing a relationship.

The key thing here is your mind doesn’t understand what the difference is between what’s real and what’s not in regards to your subconscious. So if you can convince yourself conscious that something is real you’ll feel it and your mind and your body will move.

I also suggest you check out our article How to Focus Your Mind for Success that helps you with visualizing.

I also visualize what i’m going to do today so I visualize what i’m going to accomplish today I feel it in my body. I tell myself i’m going to be there so I focus around five minutes of visualization if you can use all your senses as well your smell your touch and add some passion to the visualization.

5. Learning

So why is learning so important? Well unless you’re improving yourself every single day you’re not getting better. So what I do with learning is I spend five ten minutes read a couple of chapters from a success book. Today i’ve read the Richest man in Babylon, i’ve read that before. I love the book and I can send you links as well about the books I recommend that you read in future episodes.

I suggest that you also jot down notes as well and that you have a success journal you used to write down your goals, write down your success and where your heading and make sure you update this on a daily basis.

There’s incredible amount of books available at the moment and you can also choose to use Audible or Youtube as well.

I would also suggest you checking out our Youtube video on Skills to Learn to Make Money which goes through what you need to learn to be successful. You can view this article here or click on the video below:

6. Goals

Following visualization you understand what goals you want to achieve. The next step then is to write down the goals. I suggest doing five year, three year, one year, one month and goals for today. Now it doesn’t have to be too complex but the idea is it’s something you can feel you want to head towards. You don’t want to write a goal for example you know i’m going to make  million dollars doesn’t mean anything. But you could write down I want to make a million dollars because i want to change the world, I want to provide a better life for my family or I want to have the nicer things such as I want to be able to start up a charity.

By visualizing what you want and then putting the emotion behind it and then linking what it means to you, there is real power you can generate in your life. The sixth step builds on this through writing down your goals reflecting on them and understanding what they are for the next day. From this what you’ll find is when you start doing the morning ritual each and every day and that being said don’t miss it is these goals are refined as well you become better contact with them. You’ll also understand them and what happens is you start to life starts to happen for you.

You start to find that things fall into your lap things happen you never expected and this is because your mind is now looking for things to make happen for you you’ve convinced your subconscious now that this is what you’re going to do this is where you need to be.

My Morning Ritual success

The early morning success ritual has been a miracle for me i mean it’s been incredible to be able to get out there and do this every morning and be pumped up. When I wake up the morning I’m just in the zone it’s incredible!

So please let me know what you think  of the morning ritual again we’ll be doing our own step-by-step morning ritual in the future where I will actually be doing this live for you. So you can actually see how I do it you can actually go along with me as well.

Also make sure you check out our partner site Mr.YouWho to see one of the successful businesses we have set up. We will show you how to do this in a future course.

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