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How to focus your mind for success

How to Focus Your Mind for Success

In how to focus your mind for success, we see committing yourself to having financial freedom and the life you deserve, means that you need to keep focused on continuous improvement and changes in all areas of your life.

The only way you can be successful in doing this is by focusing your mind for success. In this Freedominhours episode we look at how to focus your mind for success. We look at the steps you need to take to be focused and how this can lead to the life you desire.

Now let’s get focused for success.

Now we have all been raised with limitations, as we spoke about in an earlier episode stop watching the news and social media we have so many things distracting us – social media, email, news etc. The world doesn’t set you up for success it sets you up for failure.

If you don’t choose to program your brain to focus you’ll find it impossible to achieve your goals.

The great thing is you can change this, what will follow is 6 steps to focus your mind for success.

If you want to watch the Youtube video of this article then please see below:

How to Focus Your Mind for Success

You can reprogram your brain

You can reprogram your brain to focus on the things that truly will set you up for success. The flow on effect from this will that your brain will start automatically focusing on things that will make you successful it will be a self generating machine. Creating success every day without you even knowing.

Imagine waking up every day knowing exactly what you want to focus on, what you need to do and what it will mean to get there.

My experience

Over 20 years ago when I bought my first business. I made a huge mistake. The café I bought despite looking great from my initial purchase was run poorly. There was bullying, stealing, poor customer service, profits were half what they said. When I took over the staff didn’t want to do anything.

How did I turn this around? I took full responsibility for the business and had a clear goal of where I wanted to get to. I created a plan that involved improving every element of the business, the culture, product, service, marketing, customer experience. And within 12 months I was able to sell it a huge profit. I will go into, in later videos how I did this.

Turning around an unprofitable cafe required responsibility and focus
Turning around an unprofitable cafe required responsibility and focus

6 Steps to Focus Your Mind for Succes

1. Take responsibility for your life! 

Have you taken full responsibility for your life? Are you in charge — or is someone else calling the shots?

It’s so easy to let someone else take charge — that way, if things end up in failure, you have someone to blame. It’s easy to point fingers at someone else instead of taking a hard look at how you could’ve done things differently.

But if you never take full responsibility for your life, you’ll never have the life you want.

2. Choose Learning and Education, Not Entertainment or Distraction

The truth is, most people are drifting through life in a haze of busyness. Effort towards true goals is rare. If you’re not careful, you might realize one day you’ve been stuck in a mediocre job, relationship, or state of mind for years. Reprogramming your brain requires you to be present. Wherever you are, be there — don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Changing core beliefs about yourself requires freedom of excessive distraction

3. Know your outcome

You need to know exactly what you want to achieve. In later episodes we will explain how to do this and the different tools that are available. Knowing what success looks like to you is acritical component in achieving any kind of improvement. When you know and become specific about what you want it becomes easier for you to focus your mind for success. You must know your reasons for wanting to achieve your goals. Once you do this, you will be able to have clarity of purpose and carry through when things get touch.

Knowing your outcome allows you to achieve your goals
Knowing your outcome allows you to achieve your goals

4. Adopt the right mindset

Make a commitment to focus on the good things in your life. Make the challenges that come up as opportunities that you can learn grow and develop from. You are now on a journey that will take your life so make sure you see the abundance of resources and tools that are all around you! Focusing your mind on success means that you see success in everything that you do.

5. Take steps each and everyday

Take steps to what you want to achieve each and everyday. Even the smallest thing you do to head towards your goals puts you on the path to success. On a more personal note, when I used to meet john my mentor when things didn’t seem to be progressing very far he would ask me what did you do today to condition yourself. Even the smallest step, a phone call an email, picking up a book can make all the difference.

Every small step you take makes a difference
Every small step you take makes a difference

6. Have a routine for success

I have a routine every morning that ensures that I am focusing my mind for success. I spend the first 15 minutes doing some sort of exercise, I then review my goals and what I want to achieve for 10 mintues and then spend another 5 minutes doing my positive affirmations. I picture what success will look like today and in the future and I feel it. I will be going through a session in later videos on how to do this.

A morning routine sets you up for success
A morning routine sets you up for success

Focusing your mind on success will change your life. It will make you more fulfilled, productive and make the achievement of your dreams a possibility.

Block out the noise and the confusion of the world. Focus your mind for success using what we have discussed today and continue on your journey to freedom and success.

If you have any questions or need any 1 on 1 mentoring please let me know. Also jump on our website for blogs, articles, courses and how to guides. In future videos I will expand on the steps I have gone through in this video, so look out for that soon.

Also check out our article Skills to learn to make money for some great tips on things you can start to do to get the base skills you will need. We will also be doing courses in the future, check it out here –

Let’s get out there and get the life you deserve! See you soon!

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