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Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Simple steps to Financial Freedom

Getting rich and successful in the time that you have!

We have all been sold a lie, that we can make money quickly, like in get rich quick schemes, or that it takes a lifetime of toil to build wealth.

In this article we explore the simple steps to financial freedom you can take to achieve financial freedom in your life, and it won’t take a lifetime to do it!

My name is Andrew Hough and I am from Freedom In Hours. We are here to get you to have the life you deserve in the time that you have.

What beliefs have we been told?

Well what lies have we been told? To understand this we need to look at the beliefs that have been ingrained in us. In making money quickly the belieft we are told is that you can get riches in an instant, for example just buy this course or sign up to this program and money can be yours. I don’t know how many times in the past I was suckered into buying into the next “big thing”. These have included:

  • Hot investment ideas
  • Buy shares in Abc company
  • Join this network marketing course
  • Inveset $500 bring your friends and you will make money

On the other side we have been told that it takes years to accumulate wealth and that years of savings, penny pinching and working in jobs that we hate just to wait for retirement. Remember the old saying “go to school, get a good job, save for retirement”

There was another path

I didn’t realise there was another path until I ran into a friend from school a few years ago. I hadn’t seen John for 5 years but when we met he drove up in a beautiful Ferrari, on speaking to him he said that life had been fantastic. John had a number of businesses, was travelling the world and could work any day he wanted. A life you could dream of!


I thought there is no way, we started school the same time and from memory John had been working a similar job to me. I couldn’t understand the difference.

The Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

It was only when we sat down and started talking he explained how easy it was. John asked me what I had been doing the last couple of weeks. I said I had been out to the movies, visiting friends, watching TV. John said no what he meant was what I had been doing investing in myself. I was perplexed, I had never heard of such a thing, investing in myself? I said look John get to the point, how can I get rich now.

Well that’s just the problem said John, your mindset, you are focusing on what you can do now rather than what you can do overtime.

He leaned over to me and whispered, “The secret is just hours a week”

“Hours a week?” what does that mean?

John said that every week he put aside just a few hours to work on his businesses. The impact of this over time was enormous. Whilst at the start it was slow, for example in the first instance he started building a website, using courses he found online, after a few months he got some sales, he also started his own YouTube channel and started guest blogging. Within 6 months of starting John had generated a sizable passive income which was enough to stop him working.

John managed to do this all whilst working a full-time job. Now his businesses have continued to expand that John can set his own time and standard about what he wants to do. He can live anywhere in the world that he wants. Now without taking anything away from John, but you wouldn’t have seen him as being naturally talented.

So I followed John’s simple steps to financial freedom and like John within several months I managed to create and live the life I have always dreamed of.

Why Freedominhours?

Freedom in hours has been created to give you the gift of living the life of your dreams. It is a formula of success that will give you what you want in your life and the great thing is you can fit it into mere hours a week or even a month and it can all be done without interruption to your life.

So I look forward to joining you on this journey of freedom in only hours.

We hope you have enjoyed this article. To see one of the first successful businesses we set up please see Mr.YouWho. We encourage you to jump on and have a look at this website and we will be going into detail later about how you can set one up just like this.

Also please check out our article on the skills to learn to make money so you can begin to gain some of the skills that you will learn in later courses.

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