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How Learning Can Earn You Money

How Learning Can Earn You Money


Welcome to Freedominhours! I’m Andy, and it’s great to have you back with us today. In this post, we’re diving into how learning can earn you more money. At Freedom in Hours, we believe that the small things you do each day make a big difference in your life. Contrary to popular belief, earning money and creating a fulfilling life involves taking many small steps consistently over time.

Check out our video here:

The Importance of Continuous Learning

Many people think they can make money quickly by following trends they see on TikTok or Instagram. However, the reality is that sustainable income and success require daily effort and learning. Whether it’s through seminars, reading, listening to podcasts, or online courses, expanding your knowledge is crucial.

Personal Experiences

I often get asked, “Andy, how can I improve myself?” My response is simple: what are you doing outside your work environment to grow? If you’re only interacting with the same people and doing the same things every day, you’re not stretching yourself. You need to seek out new experiences and mentors.

For instance, we’ve been using Skillshare to learn new skills such as website creation, design, and marketing. These are taught by industry experts and are affordable. This continuous learning has been invaluable.

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Skillshare a Great Way to Learn

Why Learning is Crucial for Earning More

Our school system doesn’t prepare us adequately for financial success. It teaches basic skills but not how to manage money or achieve financial freedom. Learning about financial management, investments, and creating multiple income streams is essential.

When my parents bought a motel, I realized the potential of business. By studying successful strategies and applying them, we turned a rundown motel into a profitable venture. This experience taught me the value of never-ending growth and continuous learning.

Starting Points for Learning

Depending on where you are in life, the starting point for learning will differ. If you’re just out of high school, start exploring opportunities online. Watch YouTube channels, attend seminars, and read about creating side incomes and businesses.

For retirees, learning new skills can be equally beneficial. Whether it’s finance management or a new hobby like photography, continuous learning keeps the mind sharp and can lead to new income opportunities.

woman sitting on concrete stairs using laptop learning
Continuous Learning is So Important

Utilizing Skillshare

Skillshare is an excellent platform for learning. It offers thousands of courses on various topics. I’ve used it extensively for personal development and productivity. They offer a one-month free trial for Freedom in Hours subscribers. Click the link below to sign up and start learning today:Join Skillshare

Applying What You Learn

It’s not enough to just learn; you need to apply what you learn. For example, if you learn about stock markets, start investing. If you learn about business management, start or improve your business. Continuous application of knowledge leads to mastery.

Learn through skillshare
Learn through Skill Share

My Journey

When I started Freedom in Hours, my goal was to improve people’s skills and give them the tools to succeed. Through continuous learning and applying new skills, I’ve created multiple income streams from businesses, stocks, online ventures, and more.

Practical Examples of Learning to Earn

Investing in Real Estate

I remember my initial foray into real estate. I started by taking online courses and reading extensively about property investment. This learning paid off when I successfully purchased and managed rental properties that generated steady income.

Creating a YouTube Channel

Creating the MrYouWho YouTube channel was another venture born out of continuous learning. By studying successful YouTubers, learning video production techniques, and understanding YouTube’s algorithm, I built a channel that now attracts sponsorships and generates advertising revenue.

Freedominhours YouTube Channel
Freedominhours YouTube Channel Created by Andy

Starting an Online Store

Learning about e-commerce and dropshipping allowed me to set up an online store. Through courses on platforms like Skillshare, I mastered website design, product sourcing, and digital marketing, which led to a profitable online business.

Advanced Learning for Higher Earnings

As you progress, consider delving into more specialized areas. For instance, learning about advanced financial instruments, digital marketing strategies, or coding can significantly boost your earning potential. Websites like Coursera and Udacity offer advanced courses that can take your skills to the next level.


Learning is the key to earning more money and achieving financial freedom. By continuously seeking knowledge and applying what you learn, you can create a better life for yourself. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; go out and create them.

Let me know your thoughts and how you’re planning to integrate learning into your journey. Reach out if you need advice or guidance. Remember, the path to financial success is through continuous learning and application.

Make sure you watch the full video on our YouTube channel.

Additional Resources

Check out our other articles for more tips and strategies:

Thanks for joining us at Freedom in Hours. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep earning!

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